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Friday, June 7, 2013

Ranweli’s architecture blends with the unique and rich natural environment. The serene and idyllic location has been fully utilized in the layout of the land, featuring indigenous flora and fauna,and borders the wide sandy beach on one side, and the river on the other.

The land was originally a coconut plantation surrounded by wetlands mainly mangroves. In conceptualizing Ranweli, the architects used the spacing of the rows of the coconut trees (known as the coconut grid by Agriculturists) as the discipline for the design. The bungalows, central areas and facilities were built by removing the minimum number of coconut trees. For each bungalow constructed, only one tree was removed and the tree trunks were used to construct the pillars.

The connecting walkways open out into beautifully tended palm gardens leading to the heart of the resort. Architecturally and aesthetically the construction and furnishing of the village blends western standards of comfort and with the traditions of indigenous Sri Lankan culture.


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